Kate está grávida!!! Vamos ver o que o jornal diz sobre isso de acordo com o USA Today:
A future king or queen for the British throne is on the way: Will & Kate are pregnant. Finally.
A future king or queen for the British throne is on the way: Will & Kate are pregnant. Finally.
Um rei ou uma rainha para o futuro trono britânico está à caminho: Will & Kate estão esperando um bebê. Finalmente.
A year and a half after their wedding, Prince William of Wales and his wife, Catherine, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, are pregnant with their first child, the palace confirmed Monday.
Uma ano e meio depois de seu casamento, Príncipe William de Gales e sua esposa, Catherine, o Duque e a Duquesa de Cambridge, esperam seu primeiro filho, o palácio confirmou segunda-feira.A year and a half after their wedding, Prince William of Wales and his wife, Catherine, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, are pregnant with their first child, the palace confirmed Monday.
"Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are very pleased to announce that The Duchess of Cambridge is expecting a baby," a palace statement read. "The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Harry and members of both families are delighted with the news."
"Sua Alteza Real O Duque e A Duquesa de Cambridge estão muito felizes em anunciar que A Duquesa de Cambridge está esperando um bebê," disse uma declaração do palácio. "A Rainha, O Duque de Edimburgo, O Príncipe de Gales, A Duquesa de Cornualha e o Príncipe Harry e os membros das duas família estão maravilhados com a notícia".
No details have been released yet about just how far along the Duchess is, but the palace did reveal that she had been admitted to the hospital for an acute case of morning sickness.
Nenhum detalhe foi divulgado ainda sobre de quanto tempo a Duquesa está, mas o palácio revelou que ela deu entrada no hospital por um caso de enjoo matinal agudo.No details have been released yet about just how far along the Duchess is, but the palace did reveal that she had been admitted to the hospital for an acute case of morning sickness.
"The Duchess was admitted this afternoon to King Edward VII Hospital in Central London with Hyperemesis Gravidarum," the statement continued. "As the pregnancy is in its very early stages, Her Royal Highness is expected to stay in hospital for several days and will require a period of rest thereafter."
"A Duquesa deu entrada esta tarde no Hospital King Edward VII no centro de Londres com Hiperêmese Gravídica", a declaração continuou. "Como a gravidez está em sua fase mais inicial, Sua Alteza Real deve ficar no hospital por vários dias e precisará de um tempo para repouso depois disso."
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